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Special Character

The Education and Training Act 2020 (Schedule 6) provides State Integrated Schools with a legal right to:

Teach, develop and implement programmes reflecting the faith and or educational philosophy articulated in the special character, and to establish customs and traditions that authentically reflect these.

Administer staff appointments and arrange staff composition in a manner that recognises the special character of the school.

In the first place to enrol children of parents who identify strongly with the special character of the school.

To uphold the right of the school’s community to make a tangible financial contribution towards the cost of maintaining the school by way of fees.

A state integrated school establishes a partnership with the Crown by way of a Deed of Integration in which the special character of the school is clearly defined and articulated. The articulation of special character will shape the school’s curriculum, enrolments, staffing processes and culture.

The Proprietor, through its appointees on the Board, works with the Board of Trustees and Principal to ensure the special character of the school is protected and enhanced.

Types of special character include – Seventh-day Adventist, Anglican, Presbyterian, Methodist, Jewish, Muslim, Steiner, Montessori and non denominational Christian.